RGT Planet Feed Barley

RGT Planet product logo

• Reliable yielding spring barley
• Dual-purpose feed and malting barley
• Consistent yield performance across all growing regions especially the lower North Island
• Good straw strength compared to other cultivars


RGT PLANET is a consistent and reliable yielding feed and malting barley variety, bred in France by RAGT and developed in New Zealand in conjunction with RAGT New Zealand as head licensee and PGG Wrightson Grain (PGW Grain).


RGT PLANET has yielded consistently over the past nine years in CPT spring trials. While not the top performer at all sites, RGT PLANET is a reliable cultivar across multiple autumn and spring locations.

CPT RGT PLANET grain quality (4 year mean)





Lower NI

Kernel weight (1000 seed weight) 51 50 52 53 56
Test Weight (kg/hl) 63 62 62 63 67
Protein content (%) (N% x 5.7) 11.4 12.8 10.8 13 10.8
Screenings (%) 4.2 7.2 6 4 0.9

RGT PLANET produces a rare combination of yield and excellent grain quality.

Time of drilling

SY TRANSFORMER has proven itself in autumn and spring conditions so has a wide sowing window from May right through to
late October and beyond. Growing conditions and yield potential always dictate PGR requirements, and even though
SY TRANSFORMER has a stiff straw it will benefit from a moderate PGR programme especially in the autumn and in very high
growth environments.

Speed of development

Month Planted

Typical heading dates for RGT PLANET in Canterbury

Mid May  Late October - Early November
Mid August  Mid November 
Mid Setptember Late November


SY TRANSFORMER has an intermediate development rate for harvest maturity.



Seed rate and tillering characteristics

SY TRANSFORMER is a medium to high tillering variety, and target plant populations should be within the standard PGW Grain barley seed rate guidelines. Work done by Cropmark Seeds Ltd has shown yields are maximised by targeting 175-200 plants/m2 in the autumn.

Soil type, rotation and geography

SY TRANSFORMER can be planted on all soil types where barley is already grown and can be grown as a first or second-year cereal. As a second-year cereal, barley is generally more take-all tolerant than wheat, however, yield will be lower than a first year barley crop.

Disease resistance

RGT PLANET is mostly resistant to powdery mildew, and moderately resistant to scald. However, it is moderately susceptible to net blotch and leaf rust. Considering this disease profile, RGT PLANET will need a moderate to robust fungicide programme where there is pressure for leaf rust and net blotch. In the 2022/23 PGW Grain fungicide trial, RGT PLANET produced a moderate untreated yield and fungicide responses of 2.0-3.8 t/ha from an autumn sowing. Please contact your local PGW Representative for site specific recommendations.

Disease resistance results:


PGW Grain Disease Nursery ratings
(9 highly resistant, 1 highly susceptible)

Scalf 6
Net blotch 5
Leaf rust 4
Powdery mildew 8




Straw strength and height

SY TRANSFORMER is a medium height cultivar with moderate to stiff straw. Autumn sowings will require a robust PGR
investment, especially under irrigation. In spring, this cultivar will still require a moderate to high PGR programme to prevent
brackling and maintain high yields. The actual programme is determined by a combination of local conditions, management
and yield potential. As with any cultivar, do not apply PGR if the crop is under any form of stress. Please contact your local PGW
Representative for site specific recommendations.