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Milling Wheat

Milling wheat is grown for the New Zealand flour milling industry for human consumption (i.e. bread, biscuits etc). Farmers can plant either an autumn or spring plant depending on the cultivar, end use and their rotation. The same advantages (yield and grain quality) from early planting apply to milling wheat especially if it is a long season biscuit wheat or moisture stress is likely i.e. dryland, rain-fed or limited irrigation.

Like all crops, planning is essential prior to planting. Factors such as paddock selection, rotation, markets all need to be considered and then the most suitable cultivar should be chosen to accommodate these factors. Cultivars also vary in their resistance to pre-harvest sprouting and this should also be taken into consideration when making harvesting priority decisions. For more information on PGW Grain milling wheat, please click the below link for Ignite, Voltron, Aston, Discovery, and Sensas.